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Al-Quds Brigades Target Israeli Military Vehicles in Gaza and Claims Responsibility for Sderot Bombing

The Al-Quds Brigades, during the Israel-Hamas conflict, successfully targeted Israeli military vehicles in Gaza's Al-Tuffah and Al-Daraj...

The Al-Quds Brigades, during the Israel-Hamas conflict, successfully targeted Israeli military vehicles in Gaza's Al-Tuffah and Al-Daraj neighborhoods. The brigades also stirs controversy by claiming responsibility for the Sderot bombing, raising questions about the conflict's complexity.

Exclusive street battle Footage from Northen Gaza

In the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, the Al-Quds Brigades made a significant impact today by targeting Israeli military vehicles in the Al-Tuffah and Al-Daraj neighborhoods of northern Gaza Strip. The scenes showcased the determination of the Brigades' fighters in their efforts against the Israeli forces. This development adds a new layer of intensity to the already heightened tensions in the region.

Earlier, Al-Quds Brigades asserted its prowess by claiming responsibility for a missile attack on Sderot and the settlements under the cover. This daring move brought the conflict to the forefront, capturing international attention with its boldness. The strategic targeting of Israeli military assets and settlements signifies a calculated and assertive approach by the Brigades in the ongoing struggle.

Amidst the chaos, a controversial claim emerged as Al-Quds Brigades took responsibility for the Sderot bombing. This assertion adds a layer of complexity to the narrative, prompting discussions about the motives, alliances, and intricacies of the Israel-Hamas conflict. The controversy surrounding the claim underscores the challenges in deciphering the truth amid the fog of war.

Israel vs Hamas today video

As the Israel vs Hamas war today unfolds, the actions of Al-Quds Brigades continue to shape the narrative, leaving the international community on edge and the search for a resolution more elusive than ever. Back to you with the last video soon

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